
Authorities: Officer responds to wrong house, shoots owner

The attorney says the close and extended relatives are being notified of the change, but would not specifically say exactly what the status of 63-year-old William Powell is.


Authorities said Powell was rushed to Atlanta Medical Center with a gunshot wound to the neck where he remained until Thursday when his family said he succumbed to his injuries.

“A$3 preliminary review of the 911 call indicates that the officers were at the wrong location”, Dutton said.

The Henry County Police Department is having the Georgia Bureau of Investigation look into the incident.

“We have been notified that special agents of the GBI wish to speak to Mrs. Powell and, when she is available, we will meet with the investigators and cooperate in every way”, Martin said in a statement. Powell had nothing to do with the original 911 call.

Powell’s mother-in-law, Geraldine Huey, told the newspaper that Powell armed himself and went outside thinking he was checking out a possible intruder.

“The sequence of events, who knew what first, is still being sorted out”, Dutton told the Journal-Constitution. They said Powell came out of his garage with a gun and that’s when there was an encounter.

The woman who had been reported screaming told police she was involved in a verbal argument and wasn’t hurt. “Went to school”, Huey said of her son-in-law.


Powell is being treated at an Atlanta hospital, the GBI said, adding that an investigation was underway and it would turn over its findings to the local prosecutor. “He’s right here for me any time”.

Powell's sister said that police did not identify themselves to her brother