
Last Search Dog From Twin Towers Attack Dies

Bretagne, the last 9/11 ground zero search dog, passed away peacefully at the age of 16 in Cypress, Texas.


Freshly graduated from Disaster City – the world’s largest search and rescue training center in Texas – both Bretagne and Denise were deployed to NY when the terror attacks rocked the Twin Towers. “Throughout her heroic career, she also responded to a number of notable disasters, all over the country, including Hurricanes Katrina and Rita”.

At 15, she was taken by Ms Corliss to the 9/11 memorial and participated in an interview with NBC’s Tom Brokaw.

On Monday, Bretagne, a 16-year-old golden retriever, was euthanized in Cypress, Texas.

She left Texas Task Force 1 in 2009, retiring for good a few years later, and after suffering kidney failure, Corliss and her family made the hard but ultimately necessary decision to have her put down.

Thank you for your service Bretagne, and rest in peace. And help she did, for 10 days, with her owner-handler, volunteer firefighter Denise Corliss.

In 2014, Bretagne was nominated for the American Humane Association “Hero Dog Award” and received the red carpet treatment during a ceremony in Hollywood, CA.

The golden retriever was retired from duty, but moved a little slower since her rescuing days and was in poor health.

Bretagne eventually stopped formal search and rescue work at age 9 and was cared for by her handler and owner Corliss.

A heartfelt message on the Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department’s Facebook page expressed their grief over her loss.

Last September, Bretagne celebrated her sweet 16th birthday. With her body wrapped in an American flag, she was given a proper farewell as firefighters and rescue workers lined a Texas sidewalk to say goodbye. Her happiness was evident by her big smile and when she went over to her pile of gifts and grabbed the bag of treats that were presumably for her.

“For the past three years, until just a few weeks ago, she was a regular visitor to Roberts Road Elementary School in the Waller Independent School District”, the Cy-Fair Fire Department said in a statement on Bretagne’s passing. She helped shyer children get over their fears about reading aloud to other people, said Corliss.


With handler Denise Corliss, Bretagne looked first for survivors, then for remains.

Specialist Denise Corliss and her search dog Bretagne in Houston Texas. Bretagne the last known living 9/11 search dog has died in a Houston suburb at age 16. Bretagne was 2 years old when she and her handler