
Sanders arrives in DC for meeting with Obama

Sanders requested the meeting with Obama after Tuesday’s primary results bolstered Clinton’s claim to the nomination.


The news of Warren’s impending endorsement comes as the Massachusetts Democrat plans to unload on Trump and the Republican Party in a speech Thursday at the American Constitution Society’s National Convention in Washington, D.C.

Democrats are striking a delicate balance between the need to unite behind Clinton in the looming battle against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump and not alienating Sanders and his supporters. “And I can’t wait to get out there and campaign with Hillary”.

In a brief appearance at the White House on Thursday, Sanders thanked Obama and Vice President Joe Biden for staying neutral throughout the Democratic primary, and he congratulated Clinton on her campaign.

The president and Sanders could be seen chatting warmly and laughing as they strolled along the colonnade.

Citing the “extraordinary campaign” that Sanders has run this year, Clinton told NBC News that “I really appreciate all that he’s contributed to the Democratic Party and our country and the issues that we’re going to be focused on in the general election”.

Obama greeted Sanders as he arrived at the White House and the two walked past the sun-bathed Rose Garden – and a pack of snapping cameras – to their private meeting.

Obama has sought to give the Vermont senator the courtesy of exiting the race on his own terms, but is expected to formally endorse Clinton after the meeting.

“I know that some say these primaries have somehow left the Democratic Party more divided”, Obama said. “And the President is certainly respectful of that”. “Well some people said that eight years ago”.


“I will work as hard as I can to make sure Donald Trump does not become president of the United States”, Sanders said.

Bernie Sanders Sticks in Race After Meeting With Obama