
Video comments on Facebook now possible

Facebook announced on Friday it will now allow users to leave a video in the comments section, as the company continues to emphasize video content as we consume more of it.


Videos may be uploaded as replies to posts by people and pages, and within groups and events.

Facebook is increasingly focussing on video.

Posting videos on threads are now available on Facebook.

Facebook has been beavering away behind the scenes to add the new feature for the past few months as engineers strove to guarantee support across a multitude of interfaces amidst constant high traffic.

Updated on 06-09-2016 by Saqib Shah: Added details on the launch and creation of Facebook video comments. As of yesterday, Facebook activated a feature that started at the 50th Hackathon held by the social network.

Messenger notifications moved to the top of Facebook’s mobile apps near the search box.

The camera button at the end of the comments field will now show you an option to upload a photo or video.


“Just look for the compass icon on the right-hand side of the photo”, says a news blog.

Facebook video comments are available worldwide