
US President Obama formally endorses Clinton for president

In a video released by the Clinton campaign Thursday afternoon, President Obama officially endorsed the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for president – Hillary Clinton. He repeated Clinton’s slogan “I’m with her” and said he was “fired up” to join her campaign. “I’m confident he will be a good campaigner for Democratic senators”. He praised Clinton’s judgement and her toughness. We started off as fierce competitors. “We’ve ended up as true friends”.


Obama met with Clinton’s primary opponent, Vermont Sen.

In a video posted online Thursday, Obama called on Democrats to unify behind the presumptive Democratic nominee and “build on the progress” of his eight terms in the White House.

In the video, Obama thanked Sanders for running an “incredible campaign”. Briggs says Sanders considers Obama to be “one of the smartest people he knows” and was happy to receive his counsel during the hourlong meeting.

President Obama, seen in 2011, endorsed Hillary Clinton Thursday for president.

Sanders, who has said he intends to stay in the race will no doubt be talking to the president about how his progressive agenda supported by millions could be integrated in a Clinton platform.

“I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump”, Mr Sanders told reporters at the White House.

He also said he’d bring his campaign platform to the Democratic National Convention, suggesting he’d either do so as a candidate or by brokering a deal with the Clinton camp.

“What happens during primaries”, Obama said, “you get a little ouchy”.

The tone of his remarks suggested he had accepted that Clinton is the nominee, but wants to make sure his favored issues – income inequality, reining in Wall Street and expanding health care – are on the agenda. “So we’ll have a long list of matters to discuss when we sit down”.

Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.


Clinton was not impressed with his tweeting.

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