
Warren on Trump: ‘A loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud’

The Republican national security plan calls for accelerating the deployment of fencing, technology, air assets and personnel along US borders. “And I think this is a direct result of the president’s foreign policy”, Ryan said as he and other House Republicans introduced the plan at the Council on Foreign Relations. After the “Draft Warren” movement petered out, there came a “Draft Biden” boomlet last summer and fall, as his more natural charisma and common touch appeared the flawless counter to Clinton’s stilted delivery and vast personal wealth. And it did diverge from the billionaire businessman on some key issues. GOP members criticized the Obama administration for ignoring immigration laws already in place.


Present Speaker Ryan, meanwhile, has spent weeks performing 180-degree news cycle wheelies as he vacillated between deploring Trump’s crude comments and ways, while moving closer to endorsing his nomination.

But Rep. Mac Thornberry, the Texas Republican who chairs the Armed Services Committee, said he does not believe the military will carry out an order that runs contrary to the law.

Trump supporters scoffed at the idea that there is a need for an alternative.

Politico reported Wednesday after consulting multiple top GOP fundraisers that Trump had “no chance” of hitting a billion. Without mentioning Trump by name, Thornberry advised anyone who aspires to be commander in chief to “quit talking” about interrogation techniques or any other sensitive national security matters. “I get so many interviews, if I want them”.

The plan is sharply critical of President Barack Obama, blaming the Democrat for “eight years of broken promises, concessions, and retreat” in the Syrian civil war, nuclear deal with Iran, chilly relations with Russian Federation and dealings with a bellicose North Korea.

Trump, who is still building the general election fundraising machine needed to take on the Clinton juggernaut, played down expectations this week.

Trump had originally suggested he wanted to raise $1 billion for the campaign but has since suggested that he would target less than that. There’s a good reason for that – doing so these days would be highly hypocritical, especially in light of an event at Trump Tower that’s reportedly taking place on Thursday.

Trump and his team prided themselves on winning the primaries with a bare-bones staff and a modest budget.

Donald Trump has a new group of allies.

“We didn’t ask for assurances”. Are the Republicans blocking the president’s nominees or not?

“That’s not political correctness”, Ryan responded to Stephanopoulos in an interview today.

“Listen, our party is united that we’re not for Hillary Clinton”.


However, if this is a project to save the GOP brand from Donald Trump – which I’m sure Ryan would love to do, even as he carefully implements a plan to emerge from this election unscathed – it faces a rough road ahead.

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