
Fallon, Kenan Thompson to appear on Maya & Marty

On Tuesday night, the former Disney star was back at it again during her appearance on “Maya & Marty”, Maya Rudolph and Martin Short’s new variety show.


Maya Rudolph and Martin Short are separated by about two decades in age and 15 years in “Saturday Night Live” tenures. Maya & Marty – which is co-executive produced by SNL boss Lorne Michaels – will include musical numbers and sketches that spoof current events, celebrities and topical trends. The former Hannah Montana actress also starred in a sketch parodying the children’s book Goodnight Moon!

She went straight into Peggy Lee’s “I’m a Woman” and was joined by Rudolph, who sported a similar ensemble for the fun, gender-bending duet.

Ripping off her trousers, leotard-clad Cyrus belted out a sensuous version of I’m A Woman in cabaret style. And like Sonny and Cher or Tom and Dick Smothers, Maya and Marty came out at the start of the show, referred to themselves as “a comedy duo”, and made a few jovial welcoming jokes. As a live show mounted weekly “Saturday Night Live” carried the possibility for failure in its bones; it was part of the compact with its audience. “All I was going to say to you is that there’s a blandness to you that seems to be your trademark, and isn’t that wonderful?”


The show debuts on the American network NBC tonight, but you can hear a clip from White’s funky theme below – his first attempt at writing for TV.

Watch Miley Cyrus deliver a gender-bending performance of Leonard Cohen’s “I’m Your Man”