
Governor Rauner hits the road to discuss budget standoff

IL lawmakers have one day left to end their stalemate before their spring session ends and it becomes more hard.


“Us downstaters need to stick together so that we don’t enable Mike Madigan to bail out Chicago”, Barickman said. “This should not be dragged out”.

IL appears poised to enter a second year without a budget as Democrats who rule the Legislature press on with a spending plan Gov. Bruce Rauner opposes while rejecting his call for a short-term deal before they finish work Tuesday.

“Yesterday, you saw what is on the line”. “The Democrats in the General Assembly have failed to pass a balanced budget”.

The Senate approved a $15-an-hour wage Tuesday for about 34,000 workers who care for developmentally disabled residents in residential settings and day programs. “We need to sit down and do the jobs we were elected to do”.

At an event Wednesday Rauner said that House Speaker Michael Madigan has led the state to huge deficit and billions in debt. “We need our General Assembly to be loyal to the people in IL, not to the people in the Chicago political machine”.

A handout sheet passed along by Rauner’s office said Sullivan has gotten $1.75 million during his political career from Madigan, Cullerton and the “Chicago machine”, but it failed to specify whether they were campaign funds. “Madigan and Cullerton don’t want reforms”.

In discussions on the floor at the state House of Representatives on Saturday, lawmakers from the two parties often seemed to just talk past each other – when they weren’t attacking one another.

“That is wrong. We can’t let that happen”.

“Fowler says this is also causing families to leave IL and take their spending power with them”.

“Key staff met today to discuss next steps”.

“We’re going to work everyday to try to get grand compromise”.

Nothing is more important than the education of children in every corner of the state, and we ask our leaders in Springfield to be part of the solution not just for Chicago, but all of IL. “These two bills now to bring stability to our state while we continue to negotiate in good faith on reforms through the working groups and we get through this crisis”.

Illinois’ Republican governor and Democratic lawmakers are doing the postmortem on the Spring legislative session that ended this week.

Instead, Senate Democrats passed a stand-alone school funding bill that increases education spending by about $900 million.

Funding for the proposal has been identified in existing state accounts, Rauner said. “They couldn’t do anything”.

A final deal probably “will involve some new revenue”, he said.

If he signs it, or lets it become law, then IL would be the sixth state in the country to approve such a plan, according to research by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University. Meanwhile, with only hours before they adjourned, Senate Democrats pushed a stand-alone proposal for public schools that Republicans decried as unrealistic because it added almost a billion dollars at a time when the state is running a massive deficit.


Lawmakers are trying to make sure schools stay open in the fall.

Illinois lawmakers near session's end without state budget