
Donald Trump Finally Found Someone to Defend Him Over Attacks on Judge

The Bryan congressman said he would not formally endorse Donald Trump, though the real estate magnate has his vote.


During an interview on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Donald Trump said Judge Gonzalo Curiel “is a member of a club or society, very strongly pro-Mexican”.

During the Republican primary process, Donald Trump’s rise was remarkable.

Moments earlier, Warren called Trump a “fraud” and “thin-skinned, racist bully”.

Biden called Trump comments about the judge “reprehensible” and “racist”.

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan has described as “racist” the remarks by Trump about Curiel, while South Carolina Sen.

Well, this week has proven that wrong-from the wild Trump University documents that revealed what a scam the whole thing was to Hillary’s brutally effective point-by-point evisceration of Trump in San Diego to Trump’s awful decision to claim loudly and often that the judge in his Trump University case was unable to be impartial because he is Mexican. Warren has considered the idea of serving as Clinton’s running mate although she sees obstacles to that choice, sources said. “I do not feel that one’s heritage makes them incapable of being impartial”, Trump said, “but, based on the rulings that I have received in the Trump University civil case, I feel justified in questioning whether I am receiving a fair trial”.

Even conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer agreed, saying, “He’s revealing who he is”. Of Republicans, said Krauthammer, “They have to ask themselves, morally, is this the man you want to be the leader of your party?”

Trump issued a statement Tuesday saying his comments about Curiel were “misconstrued” and he no longer intends to talk about him or the lawsuits against Trump University that the judge is overseeing.

Trump has said previously he would like a vice president who has connections and experience passing legislation in Congress, implying he may lean toward a senator rather than a sitting or former governor. Trump has regularly turned racial “dog whistles” into bullhorns. Carson said. “Now, does that mean I agree with everything Donald Trump does?”

For Stewart, this is an issue that may last longer than the next few months.

The Manhattan meeting at Trump Tower kicked off the Trump Victory Fund, the joint cash-raising operation with the RNC that plans to gather money both for his candidacy and for House and Senate GOP candidates.


Elections are always full of complex and hard choices and much prayer will be called for in this electoral season. That is a good sign.

Ryan: Civic soul excessive price for 'agenda'