
Elizabeth Warren Fireworks: Trump a “Loud, Nasty, Thin-Skinned Fraud”, a “Wannabe Tyrant”

“I believe what he said about the judge is wrong”, Walker said on Wednesday.


Donald Trump has been fighting back the tide of his racially fueled comments about an Indiana-born judge being inherently unable to sit in judgment of his failed Trump University’s practices because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

She added, to a standing ovation: “We will not allow a small, insecure, thin-skinned wannabe tyrant or his allies in the Senate destroy the rule of law in the United States of America”.

Carson told Politico that Trump was beginning to recognize the gravity his offhand comments hold as the presumptive nominee for one of America’s two major political parties.

“To say that because of someone’s heritage or their ethnicity that they are unable to provide fair judgement is just wrong”.

Labrador said that while he disagreed with some of the comments Trump had made over the course of his campaign, he agreed with the candidate on a number of substantive issues.

“If I were wearing my lawyer hat, I’d say if he thought it disqualified the judge in some way because of (Trump’s) position on the wall or immigration or whatever, that’s a matter to be brought up in court”.

“I don’t think in my adult life, in my public life, I have ever accused a fellow American of being racist”.

Almost 40 percent Republican members of The Politico Caucus, a panel of activists, operatives and strategists in 10 key states, would like to see changes that could deny Trump the GOP party’s nomination.

No doubt aware of that appeal, Trump evoked it in defense of recent controversial comments.

Warren will argue Trump’s broadsides against the judge – which received widespread condemnation from many Republicans – are part of a pattern established by Senate Republicans who have stymied judicial appointees from the Obama administration.


Sens. Roy Blunt and Kelly Ayotte, Republicans from Missouri and New Hampshire respectively who both face tough re-election bids, won’t go, figuring their time is best suited shopping for votes back home. “I don’t endorse people who bash judges”, he said. Spokesman Don Stewart said, “If Sen”.

Colleague Defends Trump U. Judge Against Trump's Attacks