
NC voters head to polls for primary election

In a contest that pitted two incumbent Republicans against each other, Rep. Renee Ellmers – the only member of Congress explicitly endorsed by Donald Trump – became the first GOP member to lose her seat this year, a time when many were expecting Republican upheaval brought on by Trump himself.


The mortal wound likely came from the $1.1 million that conservative groups spent against her, including well-financed organizations like the Club for Growth and the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity.

First, a federal court found that North Carolina lawmakers unconstitutionally relied too much on race when they drew two of the state’s congressional districts in 2011.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee returned the favor, endorsing Ellmers a few days before Tuesday’s primary and recording robocalls on her behalf. You can not vote on emotion.

“If you go to the very beginning when this race started, my record as a member of Congress was attacked, my votes were attacked and I had to respond to them”.

Based on unofficial but complete election results, Holding amassed 16,999 votes, or 53.38 percent, to win by a wide margin. Democrats had five candidates to choose from – Steve Hight, McNeil, Ron Sanyal, Jane Watson and Elton Brewington – with McNeil claiming the nomination with 46 percent of the votes.Ellmers will retain her post until the new candidate is elected and sworn in.

This election was delayed by three months because of redistricting. They say Ellmers failed to follow through on the commitment to conservative values she promoted when first elected.

Holding crushed Ellmers, earning 53% of the vote to her 24%, edging out a third candidate, Greg Brannon at 23%.

Some of the most conservative groups are backing him.

“I don’t know who advised him that this was the right route to take, but we are now actively destroying what Bernie worked so hard to build over the previous year just to pick up two f-king delegates in a state he lost”, rapid response director Mike Casca complained to Weaver in an internal campaign email.

Over the weekend, U.S. Rep. Renee Ellmers’ campaign sent out an email featuring a recording from Trump saying he needs the North Carolina Republican’s help in Washington.

“These special interest groups have been out for me since 2013”, she said. So he’s now running for the second district.

“They’re pretty close”, Fiorentino said.

Ellmers has held North Carolina’s 2nd congressional district, located in the center of the state, since 2010. Caudill noted that unaffiliated voters can request Republican, Democratic or non-partisan ballots without affecting their unaffiliated status. Jones will take on Tuesday’s Democratic primary victor, Ernest Reeves of Greenville, who beat David Allan Hurst, in November in the GOP-leaning district.


Sandrock said she wasn’t surprised by Ellmers’ comments.

Renee Ellmers113th