
After briefing with Trump’s chief strategist, House Republicans see ‘pivot’

The rational is that Curiel, born in IN to Mexican-immigrant parents, would naturally be biased against the candidate because he has promised to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants and build a “great” wall along our southern border.


But Romney also acknowledged the Republican leaders who support Trump, including his former running mate, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus, both at the retreat.

On Wednesday, Haslam called Trump’s initial comments “indefensible”.

One Colorado Republican is a delegate to the GOP convention, and said, “I will work to push through any rule necessary to deny Trump the nomination”.

Donald Trump’s ethnically charged comments about an Indiana-born judge were inappropriate, but Trump is not a racist, Rep. Luke Messer said Thursday.

On the other hand, it is troubling that such condemnations treat the comments as an aberration – as if Trump will soon get back to being more civilized.

David Perdue are hosting a fundraiser for Trump, the Georgia Republican party’s first official such event for the candidate.

Trump rejects the notion of a “living Constitution”, preferring the view of the late Justice Antonin Scalia that the document means what it says.

Finally, he didn’t mention anything about his previous plans of trying to obtain the support of superdelegates and transform the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July into a very contested one.

Citing Trump’s treatment of the federal judge overseeing the Trump University lawsuit as an example of this effort, the MA senator will say: “Judge (Gonazalo) Curiel has survived far worse than Donald Trump”.

Trump refused in his Bloomberg interview to even commit to raising half of the $1 billion mark Clinton is expected to cross this year.

Judge Curiel is hearing two class-action lawsuits from former Trump University students, who say they were defrauded.

“No, I think it’s fine”, Gingrich responded when a reporter asked if Trump needed to do more to fix the damage caused by his comments. Rollins said super PACs right now don’t have the finances to go after the DNC and presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.

What about the references to race and ethnicity that have brought criticism from leading Republicans? “No more insulting the heritage or religion of groups of people”.


Trump loved to boast during the primaries that he was self-funding his campaign – though he also did accept donations – and he poured in more than $40 million of his own money into the bare-bones campaign.

Trump vice presidential search narrowed to four or five politicians