
Zika Funding, Local Mosquito Abatement Top Abbott’s Summer Plans

The spokesperson for the university, Joe Miksch, said: “The unidentified researcher accidentally stuck herself on May 23 and showed fever and other possible symptoms on June 1”. Pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant soon should postpone travel to Zika-affected areas. The CAES routinely screens for mosquito-borne viruses such as West Nile Virus (WNV) which appear in the mosquito population in Greenwich annually and this year Zika virus will be added to the screening list.


Despite Brazil’s reassurances, there is mounting global worry about Zika, which has spread rapidly across much of Latin America.

Health officials said none of the DE residents are considered infectious if they are bitten by a mosquito that then bites another person; the virus leaves the blood after about a week and all current DE cases are two weeks to several months old.

“Vectorial capacity depends on a number of parameters but in general, warmer temperatures increase the rate in which the female mosquitos bite, the mosquito virus reproduction, and their virus transmission risk”.

Now there is no treatment or vaccine available for the zika virus.

“These mosquitoes stay out all day long and bite all day long”, Stevenson said of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes found in the unincorporated area of the county. Among the symptoms are fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes. The have been reports of fatal complications and paralysis in adults led by a rare neurological syndrome called Guillain-Barre. And that’s exactly what the World Health Organization says it meant to do last week when it sent media an email updating the previous week’s guidance on Zika and sex. Zika only causes harmless flu symptoms in adults, but it causes microcephaly in babies whose mothers are infected with the virus while they are pregnant.

The Aedes mosquitos – Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus – are largely responsible for the transmission of the Zika virus. Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and the part of Russian Federation around Krasnodar are the areas where the virus is most likely to thrive and spread.

“Mosquitoes that carry Zika like to enter people’s homes”, says virologist Scott Weaver, at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.

Between January 1995 and March 2016, 1,241 counties from 40 states and the District of Columbia reported the occurrence of mosquitos carrying the Zika virus.

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the document is expected to be released next week, remarking that it was a non-definite draft vulnerable to changes based on recommendations from state officials.

CDC Director Tom Frieden said Thursday that emergency response teams are ready to be deployed when local transmission of the virus has been confirmed in the continental United States or Hawaii. Schools are on summer break, there are tons of outdoor aquatic activities to do, and toddlers love it all and, unfortunately, so do mosquitoes.


“Seek counseling from your country’s health services about the risks of a pregnancy, what your options are, what support services are available, and so on”, WHO spokesperson Nyka Alexander told CNN. The previous cases traveled to El Salvador, Puerto Rico (2) and St. Martin.

A Researcher Inadvertently Gave Herself the Zika Virus