
Will the California concealed carry ruling impact Indiana?

According to the concealed-carry California law, a gun permit applicant must provide a reasonable cause to carry an unseen weapon, but it is up to local law enforcement agencies to define good cause and set the restrictions on permits.


In 2014 a smaller panel of judges ruled in a lawsuit case in favor of the concealed gun permits by a sheriff over the denial of a concealed weapons permit.

In a 7-to-4 en banc decision, the Ninth Circuit ruled that authorities in California and eight other states under its jurisdiction can control who may carry concealed guns in public.

Needless to say, Stern had no complaints about the court system “conjuring” a right after United States v. Windsor or Obergefell v. Hodges, the decisions that resulted in the national legalization of same-sex marriage.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agrees.

“In the context of present-day California law, the Defendant counties’ limited licensing of the right to carry concealed firearms is tantamount to a total ban on the right of an ordinary citizen to carry a firearm in public for self-defense”, Judge Consuelo Callahan wrote.

A federal appeals court came out with a strongly worded ruling against concealed carry laws.

Thursday’s majority opinion traced the rights of gun owners from medieval England to the founding of the United States and through the Civil War, finding that local laws nearly universally prohibited carrying concealed firearms in public.

Judge William A. Fletcher, a Clinton appointee, stated in the ruling, “the 2nd Amendment does not protect in any degree the right to carry concealed firearms in public”.

“The court’s decision is a victory for public safety and sensible gun safety laws”, said Harris in a statement.

The ruling caused many to wonder if the rights of gun owners in Arkansas would be impacted in the future. In addition, another federal appeals court struck down Illinois’ complete ban on carrying concealed weapons.

Damon Thueson shows a holster at a gun concealed carry permit class put on by “USA Firearms Training” on December 19, 2015 in Provo, Utah. But the court also ruled that the right to bear arms was not absolute and that government could regulate firearms.

“It is imperative that we elect a president who will appoint Supreme Court justices who respect the Second Amendment and law-abiding citizens’ right to self-defense”, he said. This is a great accomplishment for anti-gun advocates across the nation.

In Indiana, you can carry a handgun in your purse or on your person if you have a license.

Legal experts believe ultimately this gun debate will be settled in the supreme court. Those permit holders will be asked to show good cause when they renew their permits in four years if the ruling stands, the sheriff said.


California gun owners may have some trouble getting a concealed carry permit depending on the county in which they live.

CALIFORNIA: State's strict concealed-gun rules restored by court