
Federal appeals court suspends ruling that limited DC gun law

California gun owners may have some trouble getting a concealed carry permit depending on the county in which they live. The list’s omission of laws against carrying guns in public was conspicuous.


Several county residents and the California Rifle and Pistol Association, a group affiliated with the powerful National Rifle Association, said that was too restrictive.

In 2010, then-Gov. Jan Brewer signed legislation allowing anyone to carry a concealed weapon, with or without a permit. Because other appellate courts remain divided on concealed weapon issues, it’s become increasingly likely the high court will take up the matter.

The court declined to say whether the Constitution protects openly carrying a gun in public.

“The Ohio court system is not mandated to follow any rulings of, for example, the 9th circuit court of appeals”, Hagel said.

A California court ruled the Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to carry concealed weapons in public. “To confine the right to be armed to the home is to divorce the Second Amendment from the right of self-defense” recognized by the Supreme Court, that court concluded.

The San Diego sheriff says the 2,463 applicants applying under the looser restrictions won’t be given a permit unless the U.S. Supreme Court overturns a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling Thursday. The side pro-guns are saying that stricter gun permit requirements are causing the crime rates to go up, but there is reportedly no proof of such findings.

“As the uncontradicted historical evidence overwhelmingly shows, the Second Amendment does not protect, in any degree, the right of a member of the general public to carry a concealed weapon in public”, Fletcher wrote.

“The court’s decision is a victory for public safety and sensible gun safety laws”, said Harris in a statement.

A federal appeals court in San Francisco ruled that California counties may impose restrictions on the issuance of concealed carry permits.

The California law that was up for debate only allows people with certain circumstances, like victims of violent crimes, to carry concealed guns in public. “No wonder the Supreme Court reverses the Ninth Circuit more than any other Circuit”. “We hold only that there is no Second Amendment right for members of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public”. Usually, it’s liberals who push for more federal protections for citizens, while conservatives mostly support the right of states to establish laws that abide by regional standards and mores. Gun rights advocates may press legislatures to enact their policy preferences into law, but they can not conjure a constitutional right to concealed carry this late in the game.

In Yolo County, there are 220 people with concealed carry permits. The opinion is binding only in the Western states covered by the 9th Circuit (Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington).


Indeed, the decision leaves the rights of Californians at the whim of local law enforcement officials.

CALIFORNIA: State's strict concealed-gun rules restored by court