
Clinton plans to rely on Obama for campaign help

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is out with its first general election ad.


“I am the least racist person”.

Later, he added: “We have to get tough”. He told reporters in his home state, “I think that you don’t have any more trouble with what Trump said than when Sotomayor said that – when she was found saying in speeches that, quote, ‘A wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male.’ I don’t hear any criticism of that sort of comment by a justice of the Supreme Court”.

Speaking at a rally in Richmond, Va. on Friday, presidential candidate Donald Trump expressed his excitement about the number of sports stars on his side.

“Freedom of any kind means no one should be judged by their race or their color and the tone of his hue”, Trump said. “When they learn how crooked Crooked Hillary is they’re going to end up voting for Trump”.

“I said yes, I will apologize: to Pocahontas”, he said in Tampa.

Bush has said he will not support Trump in the general election.

“He said it because she has bad judgment”, Trump said.

Yet despite the many statements about how ridiculous Trump’s remarks about Curiel were, at midweek his apologists were still sticking their feet in their mouths as they attempted to stay in the presumed Republican presidential nominee’s good graces. “Now do you think Don King, and he knows me well, do you think he’s going to endorse a racist, OK?”

The ad splices clips of Donald Trump threatening protesters and mocking a disabled reporter with scenes of Clinton visiting factories, greeting diverse groups of voters and stepping off a plane as secretary of state. What she did with her server is illegal.

Trump vowed to campaign heavily in Florida, a state Barack Obama carried in 2008 and 2012 and that Trump called “absolutely imperative” for the GOP this year.

Trump also discussed his history of attracting protestors during the rally.

“I’ll be in Florida”. “If you don’t win Florida, they say it’s over”. The businessman and reality TV star said he would prefer to have the athletes as opposed to other politicians speak for him at the upcoming Republican National Convention.


Marc Reichelderfer, a political consultant who worked for Bondi’s 2014 re-election, told the Associated Press recently that Bondi spoke with Trump “several weeks” before the contribution was received by a pro-Bondi committee called And Justice For All.

Hillary Clinton's first speech since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee Friday is to blast Donald Trump on women's issues according to a Clinton aide