
Romney tears into GOP for not criticizing Trump

The presumptive 2016 Republican presidential nominee hit a couple of potential swing states Saturday to strike back at his critics – including the 2012 Republican presidential nominee. But he could be open to the Libertarian ticket, Fox Business Network’s Trish Regan reported.


Romney, who at one point tried to spike Trump’s campaign, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Friday that Trump will change America with “trickle-down racism”.

“Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation”. Failed presidential candidate Romney accused Trump of helping “trickle-down racism” to enter American life. Weld like Romney was a Republican governor in MA. Reportedly, those in attendance will talk about their plans to take down Trump with a third-party candidate, as well as how they should proceed politically, if the GOP presidential nominee-in-waiting wins the White House.

“I really understand both points of view about the pro- and contra-Trump setting, and respect people on both sides of this”, he said. “I like Mitt, but he’s trying to divide the party at a time when we need to unite”. I love the founders.

“I think that’s why he’s doing it”, Donald Trump said in response to one of the questions.

After making such comments, Mitt Romney called into question the character being displayed by the GOP presumptive nominee.

But on Saturday in Tampa, Trump reiterated his statement that he is “the least racist person that you have ever met”, and he said he is expanding his campaign slogan to be “Make America great again for everyone”.

“You don’t sit there jealous and sick to your stomach”, he said.

Ryan, addressing the 300 attendees of the session, explained the difficulty he had with the decision to endorse, the Post said, including weathering pressure from House Republicans to lend his backing to Trump. He said he couldn’t see himself winning. But just so you understand, this judge has treated me very unfairly, he’s treated me in a hostile manner.

“He indicated what he believes in his heart about Mexicans and about race by the comments he made about Judge Curiel”. More from George’s interview with house speaker Paul Ryan.

He then added, “Don King, and so many other African Americans who know me well and endorsed me, would not have done so if they thought I was a racist!”


Romney conceded, though, that he understands why many conservatives will vote for Trump, even if he can not.

GOP angst about Trump shows concern over changing electorate