
Mitch McConnell: Donald Trump “ought to use a script more often”

“You see that in the debates in which he’s participated”.


“Using a prepared text last night and not attacking any other Americans was a good start”, McConnell said.

On Friday, McConnell kept up his criticism of Trump, saying it was “obvious” the billionaire doesn’t know much about “the issues”. Can you compare this election season with anything you’ve seen in the past?

Trump, he said, needs to pick a knowledgable and experienced politician as his vice presidential running mate, and should stop speaking off the cuff so often, which is how he tends to get in trouble. “So I’m comfortable supporting him”, McConnell said.

Former Speaker Gingrich, who covets being considered to be Trump’s vice president, initially spoke out boldly on “Fox News Sunday”: “This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made, and I think it’s inexcusable”. Quit attacking the people you beat in the primary, quit attacking various ethnic groups.

McConnell stood by that, but said Trump needs to show improvement.

“You know, I’ve run into him at the NRA Convention in my hometown of Louisville a couple of weeks ago, and I said, hey, Donald, we were in the green room and I said, hey Donald, you got a script?” “You look at both these candidates, both of them have very high disapproval ratings”.

“I worry about these gratuitous shots at a variety of Americans”, McConnell said Tuesday.

Check out the whole interview at this link.

Barry Goldwater, an Arizona senator, was the Republican nominee. “He needs to begin to act like a presidential candidate”.

“Congress is you first line of defense when it comes to protecting this constitutional right”, he said.

Both literally and metaphorically, he said that Trump – a vocal critic of teleprompters – should begin using pre-written speeches as a way to avoid blunders like his comments on Curiel, which will alienate the minority voters that the GOP must focus on.

“…[A] t the time, all anyone could say about Republicans on this issue was that we had nominated a candidate who opposed the civil rights bill”, he wrote.


He pointed to the changing demographics of the country, with white voters making up a smaller and smaller percentage of the electorate. “So beyond the unfortunate part of the various things that our nominee has said-it’s not smart politically”.

John Kasich and Donald Trump