
Clinton campaign hires student organizer from Sanders operation

The president’s support is huge for Clinton in energizing Democrats and kicking her general election campaign into high gear, but it’s only one in a series of stars that aligned today for Clinton.


According to Politico, Kunoor Ojha, who was a field organized for President Barack Obama in 2008, will be Clinton’s national campus and student organizing director. Then, before Donald Trump became the presumptive GOP nominee, seven in ten Republican primary voters believed violent protests at their party’s Cleveland convention were likely. Bernie Sanders has been welcomed to the White House and Hillary Clinton seems to only be saying positive things about her rival at the moment.

Vice President Joe Biden has now announced his support for Clinton…a big boost alongside Warren’s backing.

“I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together”, said Sanders at a news conference on the White House lawn. “That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it”, Obama said. Obama sought to reassure Democrats that Clinton shares their values and is ready for the job. “I’m not going to say never, because this has been such an unpredictable situation, to say the least”. “I have seen her judgment. [Trump] is running his campaign based on bigotry”, Sanders said during the interview. Many supporters took to her Facebook page with profane comments, calling her a “sell out” for not endorsing Sanders.

In his long-expected endorsement, delivered via an online video, Obama pointed to Clinton’s grit and determination but also called for “embracing” Sanders’ economic message, which has galvanized liberals and independents.

Three events on Thursday, however, indicate the Democratic Party could be moving toward reconciliation and unity as it shifts its focus toward confronting presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

He may be signalling that he may exit the race or at least shift his focus away from Mrs Clinton after the final primary election next Tuesday in Washington, DC.


But she also said she deleted about 30,000 other emails that were of a personal nature and not related to her work as secretary of state.

US President Barack Obama walks with Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders down the Colonnade during their meeting at the White House in Washington on Thursday