
New Mexico governor disagrees with Trump comments on judge

Lindsey Graham urged Republicans to drop their endorsements of presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump in the wake of his widely criticized comments about whether a judge can oversee a case without bias based exclusively on his ethnic background.


Former Denver Mayor and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Federico Peña talked about his own Latino heritage and how, like Curiel, it doesn’t take away from being American.

Walker didn’t say – pivoting his concern to this latest comment from Trump.

Ryan spokesman said the speaker did not “urge” the party to fall in line behind Trump but stressed the importance of unity.

He saved his most vicious broadsides for Romney, who speaking Saturday at a GOP retreat in Utah, said that in a race between Clinton and Trump, “either choice is destructive”.

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At the same time, sources tell CNN that Trump’s more restrained tone Tuesday night – as well as the statement he released attempting to quell the controversy over his comments on Curiel – evolved from a series of recent conversations with top party officials including Priebus, Christie and Alabama Sen.

As his supporters began singing, Trump laughed and said “I don’t want to hear about it”.

On his Wednesday morning show, Hewitt strongly recommended the GOP ditch Trump at the Cleveland convention and said he came to that conclusion after what he called the worst 72 hours for the Republican Party in more than 15 years. She must appeal to the enthusiastic supporters of her rival Bernie Sanders – who insists he still has a narrow path to the nomination – and sharpen her contrasts with presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

TRUMP: He’s of Mexican heritage, and he’s proud of it, as I am of where I come from.

“Yes, the reason I bring up the (Trump University) lawsuit, because it is a lawsuit I am going to win”, said Trump.

Stone said the group will advertise and have volunteers across the country in the hopes of driving up the female vote for Trump, who faces the nation’s first female major-party presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, in November.

“Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment”, Ryan said. I can guarantee you this: “In Richmond tonight, it will not be a teleprompter speech”, he said. “It’s worth my while to explain this because people then say, ‘Wow, I never knew that'”.

DONALD TRUMP: Jake, I’m building a wall, OK? I get so many invitations to be on television.


“I think his conduct is literally undermining and threatening and potentially doing damage to the constitutional imperative of an independent judiciary”, Biden said.

Sen. John Boozman. Arkansas