
Metro Detroit native killed in Orlando nightclub massacre

A Detroit-area native, psychologist Christopher “Drew Leinonen, 32, was among the 49 dead in the Orlando massacre that unfolded early Sunday morning, WXYZ reports”.


He told Christine he had seen Christopher’s boyfriend – Juan Guerrero, who was later confirmed dead – being taken away with multiple gunshot wounds, but had not seen Christopher.

“They said there’s a lot of dead bodies at the club and that’s a crime scene and they can’t identify anybody so it could be hours and hours before we find out”. That’s why. I don’t care what the people think. “That’s why”, says Juan Ramon Guerrero, 61.

In a tearful television interview with ABC, Christine Leinonen told the world she just happened to wake up at 4 a.m. and check her Facebook. He wanted to be a financial advisor.

“This is a club that nobody wants to be in”. “I left him with ‘I love you, Chris, ‘” she told ABC, holding back sobs.

During the interview, she made an emotional plea, saying: ‘Can we do something with the assault weapons so that we can stop this’.

As she spoke to George Stephanopoulos she described how her son had started a gay-straight alliance at school and how he won an humanitarian award.

“Please let’s all just get along”, She begs, gasping for breath. “We’re on this earth for such a short time let’s try to get rid of the hatred and the violence please!”

7 Action News has learned Christine and her son moved from Detroit to Orlando years ago.


Guerrero had recently completed his first year at the University of Central Florida after two years at a community college, his family said..
