
North Texans Have Opportunities to Give Blood in Wake of Orlando Attack

In the hours after the worst mass shooting in US history, officials urged people to donate blood to help the victims. The blood bank is calling on area donors to replenish the local supply and help assure there is blood on hand should the Orlando community need additional help.


“If something like that was to happen here, we want to makes sure that the blood supply is available to get to the hospitals the second they need it”, said Eldridge.

More than a thousand miles away from the Orlando massacre, people in Springfield are also donating blood in honor of those vicitms.

Generally healthy people ages 16 and older, who weigh at least 110 pounds, can donate blood. “Well, I know I’m type O, so I know my blood definitely helps out with a lot of people”, said Vanessa Gaspard. And dozens of people lined up Sunday in Orlando to donate blood to help the victims, the TV station reported. “It takes about a half an hour and you’re done”, said blood donor Dave Cyrtmus.

Gay and bisexual men are now barred from donating blood unless they have abstained from sex with men for one year, in a policy that was introduced last December.

Blood donations has been a controversial topic in the wake of the shooting, as gay men face strict restrictions on giving blood.

Meanwhile, there was fierce debate – and some confusion – over FDA rules restricting the ability of gay and bisexual men to donate blood. They they are being stopped from helping out.

Only gay and bisexual men who have not had sexual contact with another man for at least a year are eligible to donate, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Those are the official rules from the USA food and drug administration.

“Encourage their family and friends to donate blood”, said Belanger.


However, the OneBlood donation center said Sunday that all FDA guidelines remained in place in a tweet.

Be a Hero – Give Blood