
At least 2 Turkish soldiers killed in remote-controlled mine explosion

Two people, including a soldier and a village guard were also wounded in the attack, Anadolu agency reports.


EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn has acknowledged Turkey’s commitment to fight Daesh, but also expressed concern over tensions between the Turkish army and the outlawed Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK).

The mine was detonated by remote-control mine as a military convoy passed in the Arakoy region of Sirnak province bordering Iraq and Syria, the sources told AFP.

“We want to see the PKK stop its attacks against Turkey and then for the Turkish government to respond proportionately”, Toner said.

The initial toll stood at two, but one of the two injured died in hospital, bringing the number of dead to three.

The attack was blamed on the PKK, which has stepped up attacks against the security forces in the last two weeks as Turkish warplanes bomb its positions in northern Iraq.

Turkish officials have said strikes against the PKK are a response to increased violence from the militants.

Last week, an explosion hit a gas pipeline between Turkey and Iran, a target of frequent attacks by the PKK until a 2013 ceasefire, which was terminated when Turkey launched the anti-PKK campaign.

The PKK is a political group that is considered to be a terrorist organization by Ankara.


Turkish security forces have come under attack across the country since the July 20 Suruc bombing in southeastern Turkey, which killed 32 people.

Two Turkish soldiers were killed and dozens wounded in a suicide attack claimed by Kurdish militants as Ankara kept up its air cam