
Nintendo Announces Brand New Pokemon Mode: Battle Royale

For now, there’s plenty in Nintendo’s presentation today to be content with, so here are all the things we learned about Pokemon Sun and Moon from Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 2016’s presentation today. The legendary Pokemon have a unique role never before seen in the games to date. Furthermore, gamers can have their lineup survive the battle and still lose the war – Battle Royal ends immediately once one of the four trainers’ entire Pokemon lineup has fainted.


However, the big news about this playthrough is the reveal of new Pokémon, namely Yungoos. Then they encountered a new Pokemon titled Pikipek (Although not shown during gameplay, a third new Pokemon called Grubbin was also revealed).

The trainers themselves also have unique animations, to give battles a bit more flavour. The trainer reaches the Pokemon festival, and battles a trainer named Hau in a ritual to kickoff their adventures traveling across the region. The deceptively simple combat system will task players with managing their Pokemon team against 3 others at the same time, presenting a new set of problems to battling that didn’t exist before.


Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon will release exclusively for Nintendo 3DS in North America, Australia and New Zealand on November 18th, and in Europe on November 23rd.

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