
Hillary and Bill Clinton earn nearly $142 million between 2007

“It’s not a precise mathematical calculation”, said Steven Aftergood, who writes about secrecy for the Federation of American Scientists.


In 2013, the Clintons donated $3 million to their personal charity, the Clinton Family Foundation.

The returns show that the Clintons paid an overall federal tax rate of 31.6 per cent during those years.

In a statement accompanying her tax records, Clinton said she and her husband paid an effective federal tax rate of 35.7 percent last year and that the rate went up to 45.8 percent when state and local taxes were figured in.

Within a three-hour period, the State Department made public more than 2,200 pages of emails sent from Clinton’s personal account, her campaign released the information about her health and she planned to unveil eight years of tax returns.

The voluntary and involuntary disclosures amounted to “the most expansive, transparent release of documents ever”, Clinton senior strategist Joel Benenson said.

By comparison, campaign aides were quick to note, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush released 33 years of tax returns last month.

“It must be disconcerting for grassroots Democrats to know Hillary Clinton profited so handsomely off of her political connections and the same Wall Street bankers she hypocritically attacks on the campaign trail”, Republican National Committee spokesman Michael Short said.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is under scrutiny over whether she sent or received classified information on unsecured email when she was secretary of state. “President Obama and Secretary Clinton should study that appeasement exclusively emboldens dictators and repressive governments, and weakens America’s worldwide standing within the 21st century”.

“If @JebBush wants to call himself the most transparent candidate in the race about his finances, he is going to have some catching up to do”, Brian Fallon, the campaign press secretary, said on Twitter. “On any day of the week”, Fallon added.

It’s clear from the latest batch that Blumenthal served as an unofficial adviser, providing memos to Clinton on everything from an upcoming trip to Europe to providing advice for an interview with Charlie Rose.

So out came the Friday night tax returns and detailed listing of the ridiculously high fees that corporations paid her and her husband to make canned speeches.

The inspectors general from the State Department and Intelligence Community also told Congress the Clinton’s private attorney, David Kendall, is in possession of a thumb drive with copies of the 30,000 emails Clinton has turned over to the State Department.

The Democratic presidential candidate highlighted the many ways lifting the embargo could help aid Cubans and open up opportunities for Americans and U.S. businesses, and outlined how she would help to open relations if elected in 2016.

“We’ve provided the lawyers with instructions regarding appropriate measures for physically securing the documents and confirmed via a physical security expert that they are taking those measures”, Gerlach told CNN. Because of the volume of reader comments, we can not review individual moderation decisions with readers.


“The daily arrests, acts of repudiation and censorship of any person or group that questions the official line are still in place”, the newspaper noted. Users may not download or reproduce a substantial portion of the AP material found on this web site. They are either approved or deleted. Instead, corrections will be made in a blog post or in an article.

Getty Images              Hillary Clinton in July