
Obama to travel to Orlando on Thursday

US President Barack Obama will travel to Orlando on Thursday to pay his respects to the victims of the mass shooting at a gay night club.


“We will have more information on the President’s trip in the coming days”, Earnest said.

As news of the shooting unfolded Sunday, the president spoke to the nation from the White House briefing room, calling it “an act of terror and an act of hate”. Democrat Hillary Clinton has called for a similar ban, while Republican Donald Trump is opposing reinstatement of the ban.

Forty-nine people were fatally shot, and at least 53 were injured following Sunday’s attack.

Earlier Monday, Obama said the gunman was inspired by extremist information over the internet, calling it an apparent example of “homegrown extremism” that U.S. officials have been worrying about for years.

According to Obama, so far there was no “clear evidence” that the gunman had been directed externally.

After his meeting with Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey on Monday, Obama said the Florida shooting was “homegrown extremism”.


“It does appear that at the last minute, he announced allegiance to IS”, said Obama.

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