
Boy’s body found after gator attack

As a result of Tuesday’s attack, all beaches are closed at Walt Disney World Resort, which includes the Grand Floridian and more than two dozen other hotels.


The body was found at 1:45 p.m. on Wednesday and was turned over to the medical examiner’s office.

Officials said his body was found intact not far from where he boy was grabbed.

Christal Hayes, a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel, reported it was unclear if the search was for the alligator, the child or both. In all, 23 people in Florida have died from unprovoked alligator attacks since 1948, as of April data from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

“The child is dead. drowned by the alligator”, Sheriff Demings said.

Rescue divers found the body about 6 feet underwater, Demings said. We’re putting every effort into locating the child and trapping the alligator; a trapper is on the water right now. He said, “Our hearts are breaking for the Graves family in Orlando”.

“.If we can’t get a certain match, we’re going to continue to go out and look for alligators and make sure we have done everything we can and all the due diligence to make sure we’ve taken that alligator out”.

We now know the name of the 2-year-old boy, who was tragically snatched from his parents into the Seven Seas Lagoon at Walt Disney World Tuesday night.

“To date we have not seen indications of change to our visitors’ plans to visit the destination and it would be premature to speculate on future visitation”, Aguel’s statement said. Both help explain why there were gators in the body of water. “They appreciate all of the prayers”, he said.

Deming said witnesses described the alligator as being between 4 and 7 feet long.

“Talking about the proverbial needle in a haystack, that is what we are looking for”, Williamson said. According to the fish and wildlife commission, an alligator can and will attack prey that is close to the shoreline.

Walt Disney Company Chairman and CEO Bob Iger released a statement Wednesday in response to the news of the death of Lane Graves, according to The Wrap.

As the dark shape emerged from the water, a Canadian family nearby screamed, “Alligator!”

“The father actually went into the water to wrestle his son from the grips of the alligator”, he said.

Wiley said Disney routinely identifies and removes alligators that appear to be unafraid of humans, but he did not respond to questions at the press conference about when an alligator was last removed from the lake.


Officials admitted that the risky animals are “routinely” removed from the grounds – and that Disney even has its own wildlife-management team – yet the signs at the Seven Seas Lagoon, just across from Magic Kingdom Park, warn only against swimming and about deep water and steep drop-offs.

Disney Gator Attack Remains Of 2-Year-Old Boy Found