
Autistic teen who celebrated birthday alone receives thousands of cards

– Remember the photo posted to Facebook of the ME girl sitting at a table at a bowling alley, eating birthday cake, surrounded by decorations for her birthday, but no guests?


Hallee Sorenson, of Bangor, Maine, poses for a photo in the Bangor area.

By now, you may have seen the heartbreaking photo of Hallee Sorenson sitting alone at her own birthday.

“She had been so excited to have a party with her friends”, Guildford wrote.

The US teen, who has autism, spent her birthday waiting at a bowling alley to celebrate with her classmates, but no one showed up.

Guildford’s Facebook post calling for people to help her autistic cousin have a better birthday has been shared more than 150,000 times.

Mrs. Seel-Sorenson said that on Monday morning alone they had two FedEx trucks, one UPS truck and two U.S. Postal Service trucks show up with cards and gifts.

The post asked for one thing, birthday cards. I know that we’ll never see this kind of unity and love again and I can’t tell you what this means to all of us’. “If you could find it in your heart to take a few mins out of your day and send her a card, I would be forever greatful”, the post reads.

It’s expected the generosity will keep coming at least until Sorenson’s actual birthday, on July 2.

‘She is a 911 dispatcher, so at first she thought just a few policemen and firemen would be able to send Halle a card’.

Birthday cards for HalleeRed Sox represent!

Her post went viral, receiving more than 236,000 shares on Facebook.


A Facebook page was even set up just for the birthday, where people from all over the world are sending well wishes.

Autistic teen flooded with more than 6000 birthday cards