
Rise of Iron takes Destiny players back to Earth

Rise of Iron was not present at Sony’s press conference this year, but a lot of info regarding the game was shared elsewhere. “There’s a ton of content packed in Rise of Iron, including a new location, a new Raid and a new Strike, combined with more quests, weapons, gear, a competitive multiplayer mode and more that we think players are going to love”.


“Destiny: Rise of Iron” will launch at $30. According to the Bungie blog, we can expect the Rise of Iron to be something “far larger” than anything we’ve seen in Destiny since the release of The Taken King in September 2015. Is The Rise of Iron something that excites you as a Destiny player? “We’re always looking at the game, the current balance, each of the systems: trying to figure out what players are most excited by”.

Activision also mentioned that the original game, along with the two expansions, are needed to enjoy the third expansion. This is a prevailing thought that people still have, and the reactions to Rise of Iron being current gen only have shown that. The new focus is the plague that wiped out the Iron Lords who founded the Iron Banner. But now it’s back, with a new area, new raid, and new strikes – as well as the return of the fan-favourite rocket launcher Gjallahorn. Now, with Destiny Rise of Iron players will get to explore beyond the walls of the Cosmodrome and experience the story of the Iron Lords. “It was a great opportunity to dive deeper into something that players were already invested in – as opposed to a brand new story where we’d need to do a lot more groundwork to get people interested”.

The main enemy will be based on SIVA-corrupted Fallen.

This will be good news for players who have god-tier rolls on some weapons and want to continue using them when Rise of Iron releases on September 20th for PS4 and Xbox One. The story will add new quests along with that new campaign focusing on the Fallen.

While it sounds like the wolves will just hang out in the expansion’s new social space, that doesn’t mean Bungie spared any expense depicting the creatures in as authentic a fashion as possible. “We came up with the idea for the game – focusing on [Iron Banner organizer] Saladin – and we were looking for cool stuff to put in once we had this framework”, Taylor said.


“We are exploring potential options for players to upgrade Destiny from last-gen to next-gen and will have more to say about that with our hardware partners soon”.

'Destiny: Rise Of Iron' Bringing Splits Progression For Current And Last-Gen Consoles