
A ‘relay’ fun time! Cancer fund-raiser a hit

Opening ceremonies for The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Wetzel County will begin 6 p.m., June 17 at Magnolia High School’s track. He said the relay nationally has been going on for 31 years, and the one in central Vermont has been active for 20. The bags will all have names written on them of people who have battled or are now battling cancer.


Moreover, every survivor walked on the track which was decorated with luminaries while their favorite song played.

Kosek is also one of the cancer survivors. When she heard the news, she decided to make a list similar to a will, to leave her belongings to her family and friends.

After some time of reflection, everyone united to fight back. With treatments and the help of a cancer support group, her friends, and her dad, she managed to go into remission.

More than $54,000 was raised, coming just $3,000 short of the goal of 57,500, for the American Cancer Society’s research, education, advocacy, and service programs.

Gagnon said they got involved in the relay because theyve had multiple family members who have battled cancer.

The fund raising doesn’t stop when the relay begins.

I would like to thank the Relay For Life event volunteer leadership team, team captains, and participants who worked so hard to make this year’s event a success.


Walkers continued to relay all day and into the night in honor of cancer survivors, caregivers, and those who lost their battle.

This year Relay for Life of Rocky Point raised over $22,000 for the American Cancer Society