
Trump pulls Washington Post’s media credentials

A terse, four-page motion filed Monday in federal court in San Diego is aimed at blocking lawyers for the plaintiffs from putting into the court records excerpts from videotaped depositions Trump gave in the case in December and January. Reporter David Farenthold pressed Trump for details about donations he promised to make to veterans groups after a January fundraiser. They were almost as unsparing as the Democrats in their criticism of his boundary-pushing response Monday to the killing of 49 people at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, by an American-born Muslim who pledged loyalty to the Islamic State group. I happen to think that he just doesn’t know what he’s doing, but there are many people that think maybe he doesn’t want to get it.


BuzzFeed, Politico, The Daily Beast, Univision, and The Huffington Post are among other outlets that have been blocked in recent months, USA media reports said.

The credentials provide recognition that a person is attending as a member of the media and provide special access at rallies and other events.

Politico – Back in March, reporter Ben Schreckinger was denied entry to a Trump press conference with no explanation, but Schreckinger recently wrote a story about the temperament of Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.

While Clinton spoke against anti-Muslim rhetoric, Trump leapt into the darkness with all four feet, snarling at President Obama’s lack of passion in addressing the Orlando slaughter and condemning him for refusing to use the words “radical Islamic terrorism” in identifying the enemy. Its original headline, which Trump accurately cited in his Facebook post, was changed about 90 minutes later.

Now that he’s followed through on his White House bid, Trump has gotten revenge on BuzzFeed with a steady denial of access. I can only refer you to his defining word: “Something”. “Hopefully not too often”.

The Post’s Terrence McCoy shared the story that led to Trump’s announcement. But this is different: “Donald Trump’s decision to ban The Washington Post is directed at an entire institution”, and several institutions at that.

“I have not given it any thought at this moment”, Trump said. “I hadn’t heard it”, said Sen. “I never implied anything like that”, Trump said, adding, “for them to imply it is a disgrace”.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks declined to comment for this story, but aides have previously said the practice of banning certain reporters is a logical response to what they consider to be unfair treatment. There’s something going on. “It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on”.

Said Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, “What Trump does or says, every time he says something doesn’t mean I have to have an answer for it”. Shortly after, as it happened, the Post toned down the headline, but still not enough, to say, “Donald Trump seems to connect Obama to Orlando shooting”. But, banning reporters from public events because you disagree with what they write is a unsafe precedent. Trump’s audience loudly cheered when he talked about his ban of the “dishonest” Post. “I have great respect”. It’s something really to be admired.

The presumptive Republican nominee’s campaign has banned at least a dozen news organizations, a disturbing trend that media groups say highlights his disdain for free speech enshrined in the US Constitution’s First Amendment.

The article was written off Trump’s comments in an interview with Fox News that morning. Eliza Collins of USA Today asked, “What would the briefing room look like under Trump admin?”

Donald Trump has a message to media outlets he’s now banned: Don’t worry, if I’m president I’ll let you back in.


“None of us get credentialed”, Grim said at the time of the hire last month.

Trump revokes Post's campaign press credentials after 'incredibly inaccurate coverage'