
‘Game of Thrones’ writer Byran Cogman discusses the return of The Hound

We’ve been hearing “Winter is Coming” for six seasons of Game of Thrones, but winter still hasn’t come. Will we see any of them? It’s clear that their patchwork army isn’t going to form up in the way the Lannister forces did at another point in the episode, and they don’t really have enough soldiers to succeed in taking Winterfell.


She was held by the High Sparrow as a prisoner until she repented for her sins, but last week Margaery appeared to have been broken.

In a rare treat, Game of Thrones’ latest episode, The Broken Man, starts off with a cold start – a scene inserted before the much-watched title sequence – and with good reason.

With Episode 7 The Broken Man, we definitely are getting some answers.

Arya Stark endured being a beggar in the streets and countless beatings from The Waif, she risked being poisoned, and when the deciding moment came she let her conscience take over, why?

The young Stark does manage to escape, thank goodness, but is left staggering in the streets of Braavos without any help. Jon Snow breathed again, Benjen Stark saved Bran, and now the Hound has returned. As for Arya, well, she isn’t dead yet if she has to face a new test.

After he gained the wildlings’ support, Sansa and Snow visited House Mormont, where they were met by a tough-talking Lady Lyanna Mormont. Margaery says that it is she who should be leaving. We all know how Game of Thrones is not for the faint of heart, but we also know that the show has balanced it with some tense survivals. According to co-executive producer Bryan Cogman, who also wrote episode 7, the show didn’t want to ruin the return of Sandor Clegane (Rory McCann)!

After quickly fleeing from the Iron Islands and their uncle Euron in last week’s episode of “Game of Thrones”, Yara and Theon’s destination has been revealed.


In the north, Sansa and Jon are finding it harder than expected to gather allies for their battle against Ramsay Bolton.

Game of Thrones recap