
Oprah Endorses Hillary Clinton for President: ‘It’s About Time’

Winfrey said she thinks it’s time for America to have a woman president.


“Regardless of your politics, it’s a seminal moment for women”, she added. What this says is that there is no ceiling.

“And then i get to the hospital and I’m getting ready to get my robe on and I say to the lady ‘How are you?’ and she says ‘Prayin” and then she does the sign of the cross.

Winfrey passed over Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primary for Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president.

Oprah Winfrey brought her newfound love for Hillary Clinton to Jimmy Kimmel’s pre-NBA Finals special Thursday night. “I have to say, I’m with her”. Eight years ago you threw your weight behind Barack Obama. She’s powerful. Trump is a testament to the fact that millions of voters think we should be able to make a leader of any celebrity. Back in 1999, when Trump was mulling a run for president, he suggest Oprah as a consideration for his potential ticket. King asked Winfrey at the time.

Hillary Clinton is getting something bigger and better than a free auto: a vote from the Queen of All Media.

In 1988, Winfrey interviewed Trump on her show. “After this year, I’m feeling really qualified”. When asked if he was serious, he said, “If she’d do it, she’d be fantastic”.


However, Winfrey told ET’s Nancy O’Dell that she does not cook every day and that she has cooks who prepare her meals, saying the book is a product of “those chefs’ ideas and my ideas”.

Oprah Winfrey cookbook on the way