
Twitter is blowing up over this one-word tweet from Hilary Clinton

Barron – who blogger JoeMyGod points out has previously declined to endorse LGBT hate crime legislation and refers to gay left-wingers as “the American Taliban” – declared Trump the “most pro-gay Republican nominee ever”.


Republican leaders had hoped that The Donald would ease up on his outlandish rhetoric, but those hopes were dashed after the presumptive GOP presidential nominee went on an anti-Muslim tear after the attack on a gay club in Orlando.

“She’ll basically do whatever Obama wants her to do”. The Clinton campaign has been touting Republican backers for some time now.

What does Trump mean by this innuendo?

Trump on Monday proposed that the United States suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is “a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end these threats”.

He added: “Donald Trump can say that he disagrees on the issue of marriage but it’s a settled issue”.

Early Sunday, 29-year-old Aghan-American Omar Mateen opened fire at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, killing 49 people and injuring dozens before dying in a shootout with police.

Just 32 percent of Americans view the Republican Party favorably as it prepares to formally nominate Donald Trump for president, the latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows, the lowest level recorded since the poll’s inception in September 2009.

Clinton said as president she will make sure that the law enforcement and intelligence professionals have all the resources they need. RSF could not agree with him more.

But on Tuesday, Boteach said that while he opposes Clinton, his vote now is up in the air.

“He has been fixated on the phrase, and I quote, “radical Islam”, as if those are magic words that, once uttered, will stop terrorists from coming after us”, she charged. The original headline of the Post story may have been a little exaggerated, but not unsupported.

The former deputy Secretary of State under the George W Bush administration, Richard Armitage, has said that he will support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump come the November general election.

Then, President Barack Obama spoke out about the situation.

But the White House has avoided commenting on Trump’s attempts to link Obama to terrorism, calling the matter “small”.


Trump has offered no verifiable information to back up his assertions.

Hillary Clinton opens up double-digit lead in new Bloomberg poll as Donald Trump's struggles continue