
The Hound Might’ve Returned To ‘Game Of Thrones’ For One Big Scene

With a Trial By Combat looming, Jaime needs to do everything in his power to get back to King’s Landing – will he make it in time?


The ninth and tenth episodes of this season – the finale and the episode before it – were directed by Miguel Sapochnik, who brought us last year’s epic White Walker battle episode Hardhome.

When will the “Cleganebowl” take place? Instead, the character on the show is credited as “Brother Ray”.

Ian McShane as “Brother Ray”.

We last saw the Hound left for dead after a battle with Brienne, and Arya left without putting Sandow Clegane out of his misery. Also at Quiet Isle is a novice monk called “the gravedigger”. Gregor Clegane has been turned into the monstrous, silent soldier Robert Strong, who serves Cersei without question and is going to be loosed upon the Faith Militant in next week’s episode. The Hound is alive on Game of Thrones. He continued that he had a wonderful time on the show and know that the showrunners are excited about the story and how “Game of Thrones” is faring. “Well, they wrote a two-page speech, so that’s why they invited me. You have to have revenge, and expedient revenge”.

Season one Beric Dondarrion doesn’t speak. Three riders, who look like the Brotherhood Without Banners, appeared, warned for the group to be careful, and look to be making their way back soon.

The Independent reports that HBO has not yet confirmed Bender’s recent update. The more Thrones, the better, right? In fact, she commands it. Margaery gives her grandmother a note and, in the presence of a Sparrow, fills the room with variety of faithful wishes to see to a safe journey.

Arya? Is that you? The Hound beat Beric, who was then resurrected, and released the Hound.

Remember how The Hound hates fire?


Although “Game of Thrones” viewers have to keep watching to find out what happens next, many are theorizing the Hound will be out for revenge – and possibly even face his brother, the Mountain (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson).

Game of Thrones Season Six Finale