
Donald Trump Says LGBT Voters Like Him ‘Very, Very Much’

‘It’s not only providing security for the rally and itself, it is providing security for the unknown, ‘ Lyle Gensler, the Grand Prairie police spokesman, also told the paper, explaining that to handle a Trump rally the department would have needed help from neighboring cities.


He didn’t know who threw the rock or where it came from, but he said he didn’t think it was intended for him.

Ultimately, it appears that Trump’s people found a place in Dallas – his campaign schedule was updated shortly before noon on Wednesday to show an event to be held Thursday evening at Gilley’s Dallas-Southside Ballroom, a venue that holds about 1,500 at the most.

When protesters didn’t interrupt him, he gleefully interrupted himself.

Trump made his assertion only days after the Pulse shooting at a gay club in Orlando-the worst massacre perpetrated by a single shooter in American history, as well as an attack specifically against the LGBT (and Latinx) community- occurred on June 12.

Donald Trump is bringing his campaign to Houston on Friday.

Protesters chanted phrases including “Dump Trump” and “Stop the Hate” as they marched around the venue at about 6 p.m.

The rally offered supporters red meat in the deeply red state.

And on the other side, a protester among the dozens of demonstrators wore a Trump mascot head – which was originally a Dick Cheney head – to mock the candidate. They told the crowd they were there to protect them. He said he was particularly unhappy with Trump’s statements about Mexican immigrants.

He said he doesn’t support Trump or Clinton, but can’t tolerate Clinton’s abortion-rights position.

The rally will be held at the Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center on Lake Robbins Dr.

There’s a luncheon in San Antonio planned with tickets ranging from $500 for young professionals to $250,000 for couples in the ‘chairman’s circle’. “We will have armbands, escort people to cars. helpign people just to be safe”, said Kirtis Baxter of Riders USA.


The organizations say their protest will be peaceful and that they are discouraging violence.