
53 per cent of Britons back Brexit – new poll

More people think they will be better off in five years outside the European Union than inside, despite Government warnings of lost jobs and lower incomes if Britain leaves. The “Remain” and “Leave” supporters have been waging a fierce campaign to sway voters.


“Brexit” would also diminish the value of the traditional special U.S. -U.K. relationship, prompting President Barack Obama to take the unprecedented step of publicly weighing in against exit.

British, Irish and Commonwealth citizens who live in the United Kingdom, along with British citizens living overseas who have been on the United Kingdom electoral register for the past 15 years will be able to vote.

Those campaigning for the remain in the European Union paint a much grimmer picture.

Why is Britain holding a referendum? That’s the name of a group that campaigns against immigration and Britain’s membership in the EU. Scots are seen as strongly pro-EU.

This will be viewed as a veiled reference to leading Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London widely tipped as a likely successor to Cameron.

What are the arguments for leaving?

The Vote Leave rhetoric continues to state that an European Union membership was now a threat to London’s affluence. For Britain, it could take several years if Brexit passes.

Members of Britain’s Out campaign say such warnings are overblown and that Britain would prosper if it broke free from what they say is a doomed German-dominated bloc that punches way below its weight beside rivals such as Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bank of England officials led by Governor Mark Carney left policy unchanged Thursday and said a vote for a Brexit may damage the country’s economy and trigger further weakness in the currency.

The most recent polling data compiled by YouGov, in which the weighted sample consisted of more women than men in a random average, confirmed that 53 percent of women favour leaving the EU.

What’s the case for staying?

“That’s why major local employers like Hitachi and GlaxoSmithKline are backing our membership of the European Union and access to the single market”. On June 23rd, just shy of one week, the British people will come forth and seal the fate of their country and, perhaps, of Europe as a whole.

Such U.K. isolationism is ill-conceived and ill-informed.

The International Monetary Fund also warned that a vote to leave would rattle markets and weigh on economic growth.

We hope that Great Britain stays within the European Union as an integral part of the EU.

Frantic EU chiefs have put in place arrangements for the days immediately after a possible exit vote.

How close are the polls? The pound craters every time there is a poll that shows that the support for a “Leave” vote is gaining momentum.

An online poll conducted by TNS showed that 47 percent support leaving and 40 percent support staying in the EU.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said during a visit to Copenhagen that the attack on Cox is an attack on democracy. He has been published by The Financial Times, Reuters, the BBC and The Telegraph, and he also appears regularly as a guest commentator on Bloomberg TV, CNBC, FOX Business and BNN. Brexit could disrupt that.

But an interesting piece by two Brookings Institution writers suggests that the New York-based US financial industry could benefit, at least marginally, from a Brexit scenario, even if markets sell off.


Recently, many in the USA have ramped up their efforts to convince the British to check “yes” on their ballots next Thursday. He added that USA companies would also have to deal with changing trade, immigration and labor rules.

A flotilla of fishing vessels campaigning to leave the European Union sails up the river Thames in London Britain