
Trump Slams Clinton During Rally in Dallas

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, sweeps into Arizona on Saturday for a private fundraiser and public rally at the fairgrounds.


Tickets for that event reportedly cost $50,000 and people were asked to raise another $250,000 for Trump and the Republican Party.

Trump was also expected to attend high-dollar fundraisers in Texas on Friday too.

“I read about this place”, Trump told a crowd at Gilley’s Dallas South Side Ballroom.

Six hundred Dallas police officers drilled in full riot gear Wednesday in preparation for potential clashes with protesters at the rally.

Donald Trump didn’t mince words Friday as he addressed the Orlando terrorist attack, referring to the gunman as a “son of a b–” and arguing that guns in civilian hands could have mitigated the carnage. Atlanta’s Herman Cain will introduce Trump at the rally. And he’s marking that milestone with a rally right here in Dallas.

But it was a productive trip for the presumptive Republican nominee who has struggled to build a fundraising network since all but securing the nomination in early May.

The house in Paradise Valley, a wealthy enclave near Phoenix, was opened up to Mr Trump by its new owner, Robert Hobbs.

The question came up during a taped MSNBC town hall, when Trump was pressed repeatedly by host Chris Matthews whether he thought there should be “some form of punishment”, and Trump finally said: “For the woman?”. Since then, Ryan has been critical of Trump, calling the candidate’s complaints about the impartiality of a judge of Mexican heritage a “textbook definition of a racist comment” and reiterating his opposition to Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban all foreign Muslims from entering the United States.

“We have to stop people with hate in their heart from coming into this country”, he said.

The campaign first released the following statement from Trump: “This issue is unclear and should be put back into the states for determination”.

Trump said Omar Mateen, the American-born Muslim who pledged loyalty to the Islamic State during his rampage in Orlando, may have been born here.

The campaign of Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, tapped U.S. Housing Secretary Julian Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, to respond to Trump’s trip to Texas.


The newspaper said that Trump’s campaign organizers were “scrambling” to find a venue that could accommodate a large and safe Trump rally. “Let’s have a conversation about how we destroy ISIS”.

Over in Dallas Donald Trump is holding a rally and police are holding riot training to prepare for