
Donald Trump Thanks America For Poll Showing Him Losing To Hillary Clinton

According to the new Washington Post/ABC News survey, 7 out of 10 American adults have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican presumptive presidential nominee. “Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities – all of our communities”.


He also called for measures to make it more hard for suspected terrorists to obtain firearms, veering from the Republican Party’s general opposition to gun control. It won’t make us more safe.

The reality is that when even Republicans polls show Trump losing things are really bad.

“We have begun the long and arduous process of transforming America, a fight that will continue tomorrow, next week, next year and into the future”, he said.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll did not query voters on who they will vote for, but the Real Clear Politics polling average shows Clinton with an overall lead of 5.8 percentage points nationally, with none of the past five national polls showing Trump holding the horserace lead.

“History will remember what we do in this moment”, she told hundreds of supporters inside a union hall, asking “responsible Republican leaders” to join her in condemning Trump.

Noting that Mateen had been questioned by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a suspected terrorist, Clinton said, “If the Federal Bureau of Investigation is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked”. Several retired generals, some with strong Republican connections, are privately alarmed over Trump’s candidacy and are debating whether to say so publicly.

Diane Gurganus, 70, from Jefferson, Georgia, said she, too, believed Obama was a Muslim whose religious beliefs were affecting the way he has responded to Islamic State militants and the Orlando attacks.

Unbowed by the criticism, Mr Trump accused Mr Obama of continuing “to prioritise our enemy over our allies and, for that matter, the American people”. “The level of anger, that’s the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers who shouldn’t be here”.

“We have to stop people with hate in their heart from coming into this country”, he said.


Democrats criticized Trump and some Republicans tried to distance themselves from his remarks. Keep in mind that because of the advantage Democrats have in the Electoral College, all Clinton needs to do is win one state – Florida – along with traditional Democratic states, and she is the next president. Meanwhile, Republicans are quickly coalescing behind Trump; Paul Ryan, for example, recently established his support for Trump after previously remaining uncommitted. On Friday afternoon, Mr. Trump posted on Twitter a poll and added, “Thank you!”

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