
New Game Of Thrones Season 6,Episode 9 Intense Spoiler Promo Clip Released

And all of that wouldn’t be really anything of note, except for the nuggets of information about this season’s final two episodes that are hidden in the submission. She can’t think like the Faceless Men do because the whole reason Arya was training with them was because she eventually wanted to go back to Westeros.


The ballots for Emmy consideration were posted online Monday, and tucked away in the entries for “Game of Thrones” were very (VERY) short descriptions for the final two episodes.

Warning: spoilers for Game of Thrones season 6, episode 8 “No One” follow…

The description on the other hand reveals more or less the outcome of the “Battle of the Bastards.” . “I fought beyond the Wall against worse than Ramsay Bolton” – while Sansa is steely in response. Jon Snow remains optimistic – “Battles have been won against greater odds”. He is not, the terms of surrender are offered to the Boltons, Karstarks, and Umbers after they are defeated and are accepted by the Starks.

The title most likely implies the coming hard times much like the Stark words Winter is Coming implies preparedness for hard times. About the “Battle of the Bastards” episode Truede hinted that the Stark who is going to die is Rickon, and that he’s going to be killed on the battlefield: according to Truede’s hints, Rickon will die in Jon’s arms reached by one of Ramsay’s arrows. This isn’t the first time that Cersei has been mentioned in connection with burning cities, either; she states the fact herself three separate times throughout the show. Jonathan Pryce previously said that the High Sparrow is going to be blindsided at the trial.

“So what can Cersei possibly do to make her choke-worthy?” Her saving grace was the trial by combat.

In case you’ve forgotten, Wildfire is the devastating liquid flame Tyrion reluctantly used to decimate Stannis’s ships at the Battle of Blackwater. It’s been theorized that this rumor concerns the wildfire that’s stored in the castle. To see the episode whenever you want to is truly a perk for any die-hard fan of the series.


Despite the mystery surrounding the last two episodes of the current season of Game of Thrones, fan theories are still brewing on the internet, especially now that Arya Stark is returning to the north, armed with new fighting skills and her trusted sword, Needle.

Game of Thrones- Cersei Walk of Atonment