
Oregon Jobless Rate Unchanged at 4.5 Percent in May

May saw manufacturing cut 400 jobs in its the fourth month in a row of declines.


The Nebraska rate remained well below the preliminary national unemployment rate of 4.7 percent in May, three-tenths of a point under the 5 percent recorded for April. There were almost 43,000 new unemployment insurance claims last month, down almost 4,000 from April.

Job growth was even faster in neighboring Georgia, where employment has jumped by 2.9 percent in the past year as employers in the Peach State added 124,600 jobs over the past year.

That was a smaller increase than April’s revised gain of 70,000 jobs. He was scheduled to visit the city of Orlando’s Family Assistance Center this morning. That’s according to the May jobs report released by state labor officials Friday. The number of unemployed rose by 18,000 in the past 12 months. Counties with the highest unemployment rates are: Wilcox County at 13.5 percent, Lowndes County at 10.7 percent, and Clarke County at 10.6 percent.

The state’s labor force increased by 97,100 people to almost 3.63 million from May 2015 to May 2016.

Other sectors that gained jobs during that period were construction (up 4,295), professional and business services (up 2,906), government (up 1,811), trade, transportation and utilities (up 1,558), financial activities (up 1,510), and leisure and hospitality (up 986). “I’m optimistic that we will reach this milestone this year”.

The Current Population (CPS), or the household survey, is conducted by the Census Bureau and identifies members of the work force and measures how many people are working or looking for work.


That’s the largest one-month decline in more than a year.

Ga. unemployment rate lowest since 2008