
Inside the Episode: “No One”

After King Tommen crushed GoT fans’ hopes that Cleganebowl was coming, predictions emerged about what Cersei’s plan could really be. We can speculate (as we have done before) that in Game of Thrones season 6 episode 9 one or more northern houses will betray the Boltons (check the next paragraphs for more details). If you’re not a book reader, she comes about when Beric Dondarrion sacrifices himself to allow Catelyn Stark to be resurrected and take over the Brotherhood Without Banners.


We hear her talk to Maester Qyburn about a secret that is brewing and I have a feeling it could be about some left over wildfire in the city.

“Is it just a rumour, or something much more?”

Burning the capital with wildfire will coincide with rumors that Tommen will die in “Game of Thrones” season 6 finale by jumping through a window and plummeting to his death.

After her confrontation with the Faith Militant and Tommen’s announcement about banning trials by combat, Cersei and her creepy homeboy Qyburn have a little chat. The Game of Thrones theory is that Cersei will lose her trial.

A flashback to season two will provide an inkling into what “wildfire” is, as that was what Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) used in the battle of Blackwater to repel the ships of Stannis Baratheon.

Maggy told Cersei that she was to become queen and have three children. This could be related to the manifestations of the desires of the Mad King, Aerys but could also point to the possibility of what Cersei is about to turn kings landing to.

From the past to the present, Cersei’s unquestionable love for her children can be seen.

In episode six Bran had a vision of Kings Landing being engulfed in what looks like the green flames caused by the substance. As fans know, it would not go in her favor for the judgment will be based on what they believe to be true rather than real physical evidence. “I would burn cities to the ground”.


If Cersei does get her hands on the Wildfire, there is another theory about what Jaime might do to stop her in her tracks.

Jon Snow on battlefield facing off against Ramsay Bolton