
President Obama explains why he doesn’t use the words ‘radical Islam’

Leaders of all faiths expressed solidarity with the victims of the Orlando massacre.


A sea of people produced some of the loudest applause in response to clear digs against the presumptive Republican nominee. He sees evidence of this shift in the new films, books, articles and blogs about gay Muslims.

True. They are instead reaching into the US through their radicalized sympathizers to shoot up holiday parties and gay nightclubs. It was a central theme of his counter-terror speech in the wake of the U.S.’s worst gun massacre.

“Even as we continue to destroy ISIL militarily, we’re addressing larger forces that have allowed these terrorists to gain traction in parts of the world”.

Some people here, apparently, don’t want this being done on their behalf.

These responses illustrate just how varied if not “confused the political response” have been on the issue and in this regardthe Guardian contradicts Trump and the right wing United States media and suggeststhat “Whatever else this is, it’s not about immigration”.

‘He called. He called to just ask how I was doing, say, you know, like everybody else is praying for us, ‘ Scott said. We are black, white and Latino. But Faisal Alam, who is gay and a founder of the support and advocacy group Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity, said such comments have opened “a historic opportunity for us to talk to one another”. Reasons can go from homophobia, Islamophobia, and to patriarchy itself.

She worked as a bouncer at Pulse, where 49 people were killed after Omar Mateen began shooting into the crowd early Sunday.

An official who was briefed on the case but insisted on anonymity to discuss a continuing investigation said authorities believe that 30-year-old US -born Noor Salman knew ahead of time about Sunday’s attack, but they are reluctant to charge her on that basis alone. Do certain suspects need to be tailed for longer periods of time?

The one-dimensional portrait of Mateen as a bloodthirsty religious zealot is getting cloudy.

CBS News reported that Mateen posted on Facebook right before he carried out the nightclub shooting, and said that he was looking to carry out revenge for the air strikes. He said the younger man was telling him about his ex-wife. CONGRESS UNDER PRESSURE The attack sparked a new debate over how the United States responds to Islamist militant violence at home and overseas, with Republican Senator John McCain telling reporters on Thursday he viewed Obama as “directly responsible” for the Orlando attack because of his failure to prevent the rise of Islamic State.

Trump responded by suggesting that Obama is too solicitous of enemies. On Monday, Hillary Clinton uttered the words “radical Islamism”.

To be certain, the lone wolf radicalized through a steady diet of disturbing extremist videos and social media is nothing new, with terrorist groups often taking outsize credit for their roles. When those on the Left call for gun-free zones, they are literally calling for civilians, children, women, to be murdered. “I don’t want them in our country”.

Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate also criticized Trump for his reckless comments and echoed Obama and termed the mayhem as an “act of terror” and demanded greater security for America against threats from both home and overseas and specified gun control as key to stopping such mindless mayhem by lone lunatics in future. Instead, it was radical Islam, under the guise of sharia law, that drove Mateen to evolve into a murderous loon.

Mr. Obama also told us Sunday: “We’ve reached no definitive judgment on the precise motivations of the killer”.

“We’re working with our law enforcement partners to find out everything that we can about what happened at the Pulse nightclub”, Lee Bentley, the U.S. Attorney for Florida’s middle district said on Wednesday.

“What exactly would using this label accomplish?” The FBI director confirmed last month that the agency was seeing far fewer Americans trying to make their way to the bloody war in Syria than a year ago. Trump is shooting from the hip, spraying insults 360 degrees, telling lies, stoking fears and making threats that many in our military and the Federal Bureau of Investigation would refuse to implement. Is there a military stagey that is served to say this?

“The answer is none of the above”.

There has been an escalating amount of opprobrium over – of all things – how President Obama condemned the ISIS-inspired attack in Orlando; he merely called it an “act of terror and an act of hate”.


“It’s a political talking point, not a strategy”, he said.

This poster distributed by an Islamic state militant supporter to advertise a new propaganda video shows Omar Mateen who killed 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida with'Islamic State blazoned behind