
Swift tweets old peeps can Shake It Off

For more info and tickets for Seventeen, which officially opens tomorrow night, head to the Belvoir website.


But at the last minute there was a Taylor Swift-related emergency.

A bunch of Australian acting royalty have convinced the Devine Being Taylor Swift to give them permission to “Shake It Off”.

So Sarks took to Twitter, to plea to Taylor directly.

The Belvoir Theatre Company in Sydney was all ready to kick off its new play Seventeen on Wednesday when disaster struck.

But just as the cast had the choreography down-pat, the theatre was told they couldn’t use the song.

Following a social media campaign, during which the cast tweeted Swift and a number of her famous friends, permission was finally granted for the hit single to be used. “Good luck with your opening night…”

The cool thing it, the play is about 17- year olds on the last day of school, with the cast being the elderly actors.

And unlike Swift’s own dance moves in the Shake It Off film clip, it was perfectly timed. Tay Tay could even use it for her next clip.

So far Sarks has tweeted the likes of Russell Crowe, former Arts Minister Tony Burke, and CEO of Big Machine Label Group (Taylor’s management) Scott Borchetta, with the hashtag #greygrey4taytay, seeking assistance in grabbing the eyes of the Pop queen.


It’s like they had this music in their mind saying “it’s gonna be alright”.

Image Anne Louise Sarks  Belvoir Street Theatre