
Trump campaign: We’re facing an emergency goal of $100000

The primary went to Bernie Sanders.


She laid down a marker to the Democratic Party on what Sanders and his movement supporters expect at the party’s convention and in the fall campaign. Sanders, a self-described Democratic socialist, has not yet dropped out.

The Clinton campaign is investing heavily on ads, airing in eight battleground states – including Colorado, Florida, Ohio and Virginia.

The popularity of his message was reflected in the money that filled his campaign coffers.

There are many other core platform ideals as well that helped bring in millions of people across the country and powered the Sanders campaign in historic fashion. His final public event – in the gym of a university in a Des Moines suburb the day before the Iowa caucuses in late January – sticks in the memory as the young and old, but particularly the young, cheered on the 74-year-old senator wearing “Feel The Bern” T-shirts.

The major takeaway – the political revolution must continue.

Donald Trump suspects Bernie Sanders hasn’t officially dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary because he is waiting on the Federal Bureau of Investigation to indict Hillary Clinton for the use of a private server during her tenure as Secretary of State.

Mormon voters in particular seem concerned about Trump, who came in third in the state’s presidential primary. During Thursday’s live address, he assured his followers that he will have almost 2,000 delegates by July when the Democratic National Convention takes place.

Many Clinton backers appear willing to give the Sanders crowd some space to get over the primary result.

Montana Democrats met June 10 and 11 in Helena and named 11 delegates for Sanders and 10 for Clinton to attend the convention. Senators Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sherrod Brown of OH and Cory Booker of New Jersey as well as U.S. Representatives Xavier Becerra of California and Tim Ryan of OH are also under consideration, it said.

In one document, dated May 26, 2015, which is just over a month after Clinton announced her presidential bid, the DNC declared that “our goals & strategy” are to “provide a contrast between the GOP field and HRC”.

“I’m ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets any place close to the White House”, Warren told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. Much of the video amounted to a version of Sanders’ standard stump speech and he encouraged his legions of followers to run for local office.


“But defeating Donald Trump can not be our only goal, ” Sanders said, pointing to his 1,900 delegates at next months Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Normally more of a procedural document that the focus of waning presidential campaigns, that might change this year: Sanders has selected unconventionally progressive representatives like Cornel West and Bill McKibben – both vocal critics of the Obama administration – who are likely to make a scene in Philadelphia later this month.

Donald Trump