
‘Game Of Thrones’ On Sunday Will Be The Biggest Episode Ever

The episode is being touted as the biggest battle in the show’s history, which is impressive when you consider the scenes we’ve already seen. “Game of Thrones” series creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have said the battle will be the biggest ever in the series. The former Lord Commander’s declaration that he’s faced worse than Ramsay beyond the Wall is countered by Sansa. So far, Jon Snow and Sansa have recruited only a few men from House Mormont, House Mazin and House Hornwood as reinforcements to the Wildlings.


So what can we expect from Episode 9 of Game of Thrones, especially considering HBO have been so scant with official information about the penultimate episode for Season 6?

As Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton do battle in the North, elsewhere in the Seven Kingdoms it’s the female characters who look most likely to rule Westeros as season six comes to a close.

Stephen Patterson, one of Movie Pilot’s great Creators, has previously pointed out that the epic clash between the nefarious Ramsay Bolton and the honorable Jon Snow has been a long time coming. Based on numbers from the book, I’d guess that the Boltons have somewhere around 7,000 men, which would put them at more than double Jon’s numbers, BUT that difference in army size also makes the game more exciting for when/it Littlefinger arrives with aid.

Meanwhile, TIME reported that Ramsay Bolton has 99 percent chance of dying in the upcoming episode. Ramsay Bolton and Jon Snow are two characters who could not have been any more different, yet so similar to each other.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the 31-year-old actor, who plays probably the biggest villain in the hit HBO series, revealed how he has been waiting for the facedown for years.

A United Kingdom magazine entitled TV & Satellite Week nestled a nugget of possible truth into a larger Game of Thrones article.


I guess we’ll just have to wait until Sunday night to see who will come out on top! We all know she doesn’t have too many good days left.

The Good The Bad & The Bastards Ramsay Bolton Actor Has Wanted To Fight Jon Snow For Years