
Clinton’s party looks to reunite

Warren’s announcement comes the same day President Barack Obama formally backed Clinton in a video lauding her qualifications for the job. “I know there’s been a lot of speculation on this”. “I don’t think there has ever been someone so qualified to hold this office”.


Some pundits had speculated that Obama would seek to persuade Sanders to drop out of the race, so the Democratic Party could rally around Clinton in preparation for a general election battle against Trump. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., a progressive who could help convince Sanders supporters to vote for Clinton.

“Delete your account.” Hillary Clinton’s snarky tweet to her White House rival Donald Trump was among the funniest of the campaign.

Sanders said Thursday that he plans to continue his campaign up to July’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, but said he looks forward to meeting with Clinton to discuss how to together defeat Trump. “He wants four more years of Obama – but nobody else does!”

Asked what Sanders should do now that Clinton has secured the delegates necessary for the nomination, Warren didn’t offer specific advice but said it’s time to unify.

Clinton thanked Obama for his endorsement in an interview with Bloomberg, which was conducted ahead of time and released at the same time as Obama’s endorsement video.

“Vice-president Joe Biden also appeared to give his endorsement on Thursday, referring in a speech to “… whoever the next president is – and god willing it will be Hillary Clinton”.

Obama was looking to play peace broker, coaxing Sanders to recognize Clinton as the party’s presidential nominee.


However, Elizabeth has been honest that she feels she is definitely ready to take the White House no matter who she shares a ticket with. Three events on Thursday, however, indicate the Democratic Party could be moving toward reconciliation and unity as it shifts its focus toward confronting presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

President Barack Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton for President