
William tells fathers: Be open about your feelings with children

Whatever you choose to do, don’t forget to celebrate Dad or the father figure in your life in some way on June 19.


Sometimes, we don’t realize and appreciate all our fathers did for us until we become adults or parents ourselves.

Our fathers and husbands or brothers-in-law are used to being on the giving end all the time; giving the attention, the gifts etc.

Some dads are open and loving, doling out hugs and kisses.

For fathers, an important role that they play in raising a child is often just about having fun. But they showed their love in other ways. “This increase in spending could be a good sign related to consumers’ willingness to spend more as we head into the second half of the year”. Work is not your life. Even then I was remembering the things he told me about God about heaven about eternity. Another was a memorial service held in 1908 for a large group of men, many of them fathers, who were killed in a mining accident in Monongah, W.V., in December 1907.

They are the guys who mend bicycle chains and lawn mowers, as well as broken hearts.

Prince William is marking his third Father’s Day with a message urging dads to discuss mental health with their kids, NBC News reported.

Heads Together is encouraging people who are celebrating Father’s Day to take the “Heads Together Father’s Day Challenge”. It was back in May 1909 that she was listening to a church sermon on Mother’s Day when the thought of creating a day for fathers, especially hers, hit her.

A father has sacrificed his being and dedicated all his will to keep you happy.

It was not until 1972 that President Nixon instituted Father’s Day as a national observance.

So, let Dad be a dad on Sunday.

Some children give presents to their fathers. Or it may involve attending a ballgame, watching his favorite movie or playing a few rounds of golf. We learn of a Father who wants everyone to know that Jesus is His “beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.’ We learn what Fathers are to be like from looking at our one true heavenly Father as described in the Scriptures”.


For the nights he woke up to rock you to sleep, the nights he stayed awake to wait for you to come home, and the tears he wiped away, give your father some time today to feel like a dad.

Father Day gift ideas