
Lenovo working on bendable displays for smartphones, tablets

The Folio tablet and the Cplus phone come with flexible display panels that allow bending their respective bodies. At its Lenovo World keynote today, the company unveiled a real, working bendable phone bracelet and foldable tablet.


Samsung may have patented a folding phone, but Lenovo is ready to show off one that not only bends, but also folds around your wrist like a wearable. This isn’t the first we’ve heard of Samsung’s plans; in fact, it confirms a similar report from earlier this week.

Lenovo senior vice president, Peter Hortensius, told the audience that McCarthy should be careful with the items because “they cost a little bit more than your average phone or tablet right now”.

Lenovo finally got its chance to show the world that the future of smartphones and tablets can be flexible like never before.


The CPlus has a 4.26-inch flexible display and is expected to come in 12 different colors once it becomes available. This is not the first time structural issues have prevented tech companies from providing flexible devices either since “Samsung” has been having the same problems. The screens of some of the devices with YOUM displays were not only bendable but also foldable. The company briefly touched on the technology required to make such devices work. However, it remains to be seen how swiftly handset makers are able to launch mobile phones with screens that can successfully bend. However, Lenovo engineers would have to fix the issues of the easily-scratched plastic screen and hinge design before the product hits the retail market.

Lenovo Shows Off Flexible Wrist Phone, Tablet