
Obama more angry at me than Florida shooter: Donald Trump

In back-to-back speeches on Monday and Tuesday, Clinton unleashed blistering rebukes of Trump’s candidacy.


Donald Trump celebrated his 70th birthday with a speech at an election rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, on Tuesday, hitting back at attacks lodged by his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

He was responding to Mr Obama’s strong statement earlier in the day in which he slammed the real estate tycoon for his anti-Muslim rhetoric including temporary ban of entry of Muslims in the United States, increase in surveillance and for describing it as “radical Islamic terrorism”. She will head to Hampton, Virginia, on Wednesday to host an event with veterans and military families in what the campaign says will be an extension of her foreign policy remarks this week.

Donald Trump, the man Republicans will nominate to be president, has already said that, in addition to banning Muslim immigration, he would also look at closing mosques and forcing Muslims already in the country to register with the authorities. That survey gave Trump an edge on terrorism: 50% of likely voters said Trump would be better at combating terror threats at home and overseas, to Clinton’s 45%. On Sunday, Clinton’s support was at 46.6 percent, versus Trump’s 32.3 percent.

The video sends a clear signal that the Clinton campaign plans to continue contrasting Clinton and Trump on the issue of national security, and questioning Trump’s temperament.

Trump said there’s no cap on spending when it comes to national security. His criticism of a federal judge’s Mexican heritage drew near unanimous criticism from fellow Republicans; internal power struggles within the Trump campaign have produced numerous unflattering headlines; and the candidate’s continued anti-immigrant rhetoric has party leaders on edge.

“I don’t think you should be particularly surprised that the president’s comments and views on this topic are similar to the views and principles that are articulated by the woman who served as his secretary of state during his first term in office”, Earnest said, insisting there was no coordination. They are united in their view that Trump would be unsafe for the country.


Clinton focussed her response to the Orlando attack on the need to boost intelligence gathering and defeat Islamic State and what she called “radical jihadist terrorism”, while warning against demonising Muslim-Americans.

Hillary Clinton in Cleveland